“Kumano Kodo” composed by Tetsuji Hayashi who is a active composer in Japan. Recorded at Kumano Ko 続きを読む…
音の誘い -自然の宝庫福島潟より- 福島潟讃歌
Fukushimagata Sanka (Composed by Hiroki Tamaki) and even more wonderfulnature sound from Fukushimagata.福島潟は「21 続きを読む…
阿里耶 年に一度の片想い
Ariya has unique voice and very talented lyric writer. I joined the second piece, “Arigatou” (Than 続きを読む…
Houki-boshi works Vol.2 ~The world of Akihiko Iwamae
ほうきぼし作品集 岩前明彦の世界
Shamisen performer and composer, Akihiko Iwamae’s works. I joined as a koto player. 邦楽器をベースにユニークな作品を作られて 続きを読む…